Spiral Again?
Merry Christmas Eve! Playing with the Beaglebone sends me into another thought spiral.
Merry Christmas Eve! Playing with the Beaglebone sends me into another thought spiral.
Thirty years ago today I left the US Navy. A reflection.
A month ago I told you I changed roles at AWS. Now I can show you what I’ve done since then!
I’m revisiting why I don’t like MQTT, and what I am doing about it.
Getting Started with the Beaglebone Black (Again)
The only constant is change! And… sometimes things come full circle. I’m changing roles at AWS. Back to the Future!
A bug in VLC? Grrrr. Reminds me of the old days.
X11’s xdotool cli is snazzy, and solved an annoying window placement problem.
Once again, I’m the product, being manipulated. This time it’s Twitter
Some Thoughts on MQTT