Pulseview on Linux - UPDATED
UPDATED: On Ubuntu 24.10 just installing using apt “just works.” This workaround no longer needed.
UPDATED: On Ubuntu 24.10 just installing using apt “just works.” This workaround no longer needed.
I was trained as a US Navy ET. Decades later I finally took my Ham Radio test. I am now also known as K06HAX! It’s a key step towards my whale song project!
Leaving this here mostly for me, but short instructions on how to change Chrome’s “typeahead” predictors if it remembers the “wrong” one.
Admiral Hyman Rickover (1900-1986), the “Father of the Nuclear Navy,” was controversial. He taught a whole generation of the best Engineers. Some of my thoughts on this.
I’ve left Twitter. You should too.
Hugo broke image rendering. Well, they made it better, but broke how I used it. Here’s the fix.
After 13.5 years I’m no longer using Twitter.
Thirty years ago today I left the US Navy. A reflection.
Where am I? Summer!
Back in January of 2018 I blogged on LinkedIn asking the question if golang would enable development of micro-kernels.
My first attempt baking sourdough bread led to tasty, but flat loaves. Here’s why.
The impacts of COVID-19 are really not upon us yet. But some of them are hitting, and I thought I’d jot some notes about how it’s hitting us here in SF.
I updated my “Management README”. Give it a read if you’d like.
I’ve come to firmly believe that Engineering Leadership has a 3-2-1 principle to create Engineer happiness, which is a key prerequisite for high performance Engineering teams.
I’ve been procrastinating setting up a real blog for… well, years. Now it’s here. Read on for the why and the how.