Fixing Hugo Social Media Icons in Blackburn
The Blackburn theme for Hugo has a bug in how it shows social media icons. Here’s how to fix it.
The Blackburn theme for Hugo has a bug in how it shows social media icons. Here’s how to fix it.
Debian not good for me on the desktop - back to Ubuntu, lost the snaps.
The Raspberry Pi Zero W is likely the basis of my next few projects.
Ubuntu just went too far with the snap crap. Back to Debian!
A trip down memory lane: the first linux telephony drivers
One of the core principles of modern “DevOps” development is to treat your documentation as code, just like code. My team at Cisco open sourced how we do that.
In AWS the AMI ID for a particular VM image is unique to that region. But it’s name is consistent across AWS. When building infra-as-code (such as terraform) use the name, not the ID. And some musings on terraform. Is it still the right answer for infra-as-code?
We all protest and effect change in our own ways. I choose mentorship, education, and work - because that’s what I can do best to make a difference.
Link to posted video “CloudSphere: Impedance Matching Legacy Apps to Prometheus Monitoring by Greg Herlein & David Wang”
Quick reminder how to enable RDP sessions from OSX to an Ubuntu box.