Greg Herlein

Building tech, and teams that build tech. Software, cloud, electronics, whatever.

Ocean Technology and Talking to Whales

I’ve been accepted into the Bristlemouth Pioneer Program. I’ve been granted a SOFAR Spotter with a Development Kit. I want to build a system capable of autonomously recording whale song (and other ocean data). Humpback Whale songs is incredibly interesting - and scientists have JUST been able to actually talk to whales.

But really getting all “science fictiony” - can we build an ocean phone system to talk to whales?

Facebook again? Maybe? But they still suck

I left Facebook to get away from all the hate. But there’s community information there I find valuable and so I signed up again (after years away). And my account is suspended! Somehow I didn’t follow their community standards EVEN BEFORE I LOGGED IN! I can tell you that all I ever did was leave Facebook and delete my account there. I certainly never “violated thier community standards” (as if they really have them with the hate they promote).