Fixing Hugo Scaled Images
Hugo broke image rendering. Well, they made it better, but broke how I used it. Here’s the fix.
Hugo broke image rendering. Well, they made it better, but broke how I used it. Here’s the fix.
I get asked a lot by new developers: “how do I find a coding job?” What should I do/learn to get a really good job? Here’s my advice.
Cloning from GitHub hanging for no apparent reason? A work-around. Anyone know why it works?
After 13.5 years I’m no longer using Twitter.
Three months since I posted, so here’s some random thoughts and updates.
What’s old is new again: I’ve joined BrightSign as their Head of Software Engineering!
Imagine my surprise when I could not sudo! Wait, what?
Tl;dr: The AWS Cookbook is a must have addition to your reference library. Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the author.
Tl;dr: read the web instead of Linux for Networking Professionals. This book is a broad, shallow coverage that is probably more easily learned from web pages for free.
Speed, cost and quality are considered the vectors that you can control. If you are moving to cloud to get the “ilities” that comprise quality, you need to seriously consider Cognitive Load.