- - Foundations of High-Performance Engineering Teams
- - Long Time No Post! RPi Pico, Zephyr, and Whales (oh my)
- - Changing Chrome Address Bar Suggestions
- - Book Review: Managing Priorities
- - Guest Appearance: Women in STEM Podcast
- - Learning gRPC in golang - with some ChatGPT help
- - Book Review: AI at the Edge
- - Developing Leaders in the post-COVID Era
- - Lost Boats Ceremony - Tolling of the Boats 2024
- - Whale Song Delayed - New Technology
- - Dream Teams
- - Whale Song Update
- - Hiring is a Two-Way Street
- - Guest Appearance: Software Synergy Podcast
- - Bristlemouth Dev Kit: SLOW - and Thinking
- - Book Review: Operational Excellence
- - Book Review: Extreme Operational Excellence
- - Bristlemouth Dev Kit: YES!
- - Bristlemouth Dev Kit May Not Happen
- - No More Twitter
- - Fixing Hugo Scaled Images
- - Advice to New Developers (or, How to Get Hired)
- - Git Clone Workaround
- - Goodbye Twitter
- - September Update
- - BrightSign!
- - How I Locked Myself Out of my Linux System
- - Book Review: Linux for Networking Professionals
- - Book Review: AWS Cookbook
- - DevOps: Manage the Cognitive Load
- - Using Clicky Web Analytics with Hugo
- - First Trials: ESP32-POE-EA Board from Olimex
- - Playing like it was summer (but with an ESP32)
- - Making Prometheus Alert Manager (more) Consistent
- - Enable Chatbots on the phone using Amazon Lex and the Amazon Chime SDK
- - Goodbye Ubuntu, Hello Debian my old friend - AGAIN
- - DevOps - All Things To All People - or Not?
- - Thoughts on CI/CD
- - Creating an Ephemeral EC2 Instance for Development for Testing
- - Learnings from patching a bug in a modern project
- - Spiral Again?
- - Thirty Years Ago Today
- - My First Amazon Blog... ML/AI Chatbot over the Phone!
- - Local Data Collection and Command Distribution
- - Beaglebone Black - Getting Started
- - Back to the (Phone) Future! Changing roles!
- - VLC Error
- - The Power of xdotool in X11
- - Goodnight Twitter
- - Thoughts on MQTT
- - Summer
- - Playing with Tasmota - A Swimming Pool Story
- - Progress on ESP32 and FreeRTOS
- - Back to Basics: AWS IoT C SDK
- - Dabbling into ESP32 and FreeRTOS
- - ESP32-C3 First Playing
- - Kinesis Video Streams - Just Getting Started
- - AWS SysOps Administrator Certified!
- - Programming Serial in C
- - Changes - Ending 2020
- - Power Costs
- - Using CloudWatch for On-Premise Ubuntu Servers
- - Disposability - the Missing ility
- - GitHub Actions - Copy to S3 on Commit to Master
- - Golang Unikernel Is Reality!
- - Building Solution Architecture Teams - A Software Approach
- - Mac and Chrome HotKeys
- - iTerm2 Paste Buffers on MacOS/OSX - how to increase size
- - SRE 123
- - Fixing Hugo Social Media Icons in Blackburn
- - Raspberry Pi Zero W Fun
- - Hello Ubuntu - Kinda
- - Goodbye Ubuntu, Hello Debian my old friend
- - Blast from the past - Linux Telephony API
- - Docs as Code
- - Terraform in AWS: use AMI Names not IDs - and is Terraform the right answer still?
- - Black Lives Matter
- - [Catchup Post] Speaking at SphereIT in Krakow, October 2019
- - Make RDP work from OSX
- - SSH Tunnels
- - Baking Sourdough Bread
- - COVID-19
- - Not Everyone Needs to Go To College
- - Ubuntu Lid Control
- - Where Have I Been?
- - Review: Blowing up the Monolith
- - Cloudy DevOps - Part 1
- - Self Driving Revolution
- - Updated Management README
- - RBOT Robotics Sensor/Acuator Board - Value Proposition
- - Boards!
- - Ubuntu Again!